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INTRODUCING… Christian Girls Rock Movement



Christian Girls Rock is a Movement that proceeds from Second Chance Ministries of Hope Inc. and God’s purposeful creations.


CGR Is Who God Is…..He is Love, Divinity, Hope, Peace, Joy and Unity, He’s Teacher, Mother, Father, Family and Friend.


CGR is a movement of a power greater than ourselves. Who administers a transformational transition of choosing to change, to heal, to overcome our past, to walk victoriously in our journey of salvation in spirit and in truth.


Humbling ourselves in maturity, to be teachable in setting the order and discipline in our lives


It is a procession that flows in love, kindness, compassion and served with patience.


It is A Four Portion Meal also created for us, deeming and fully equipping us with the promises of a successful future for the next generation, the new heaven and the new earth.


Christian Girls Rock is a right now movement, with a right now word, accelerating a future revelation for this generation and the generations to come….



“A place in my heart, established by God, to comfort His youth, all over the world”


Teaching the girls, through kingdom principles, the ability to strengthen their faith level in God. Also through worship, flowing in the anointing allowing God’s presence to lead, guide, direct and provide. Teaching them how to let go and let God, to build better mindsets, to stand productive at a level of spiritual maturity in their daily lives; for them to become his disciples and keep God’s cycle of freedom flowing into this world into every youth. Making a difference in them to become spiritually ordained, to impact the lives of many others and for the next generation; establishing the new heaven and new earth.


” ………. By choosing to change, to heal, to overcome their past and walk in their future”



“We walk by faith and not by sight, we run with the vision, with an expectancy of lives being transformed by the power of God.” \2 Cor. 5:7


  • Renewing and reforming the negative to a restorative positive in the lives of God’s children.

  • Teaching through kingdom principles what they were created to do here on earth, and the purpose that God has for them.

  • Building confidence with an empowering boldness to encourage all, through the power of God; that they shall walk in the purpose and plan that He has for their lives.


Servicing: The Youth


Our Focus: Young Ladies


Our Mission: Is for all God’s children, from the least to the greatest

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